The Centralina Economic Development District (EDD) serves as the region’s U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) liaison and point of contact. Our staff can assist communities with fund administration, strategy development, applying for competitive EDA grants and certifying that EDA-funded projects align with the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). We have a track record of success with grant application and awards in a highly competitive environment and our experts are ready to help you with every stage of the grant process. For assistance with non-EDA grants, please contact our Government Affairs & Member Engagement team at


Grant Writing

Centralina EDD has a team of experienced economic development and resilience grant writers that specialize in developing copy for federal EDA applications. Due to our regular interaction with EDA staff, we are knowledgeable about agency priorities and funding criteria, ensuring that your application meets funding requirements and is well positioned.


Grant Strategy & Support

We support eligible applicants in developing a strategy for seeking EDA funding from its annual public work and economic adjustment grant competition or other discretionary grant programs. We also provide letters of support and documentation of project alignment with CEDS goals.


Grant Administration

Centralina EDD is also a preferred grant administrator for EDA funding and can oversee awarded grants and program implementation. Our experience in managing federal funds and monitoring EDA-backed programs ensures that complex reporting requirements are met.

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