Fostering Regional Prosperity: Centralina EDD’s Commitment to Economic Growth

The Centralina Economic Development District (EDD) has released its Annual Update for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) as required by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). This strategic plan, developed in collaboration with stakeholders across the greater Charlotte region, outlines a vision for the future called “Prosperity for All.” The plan focuses on three core themes—people, place and economy—with corresponding goals to expand economic opportunity, build supportive infrastructure, and strengthen regional resilience and global competitiveness.

Significant progress has been made in advancing the CEDS, which is great news for regional and local economic growth. The strategy covers a range of recommendations, such as workforce development, community support, regional mobility and global competitiveness. You can visit the Centralina EDD visual dashboards designed to track the progress on expanding economic opportunities.

Advancing Action Items

The Centralina EDD has been moving the needle on various action items. Here are a few achievements and their corresponding CEDS action item.

The CEDS has defined 58 action items with a timeline for completion. These action items are categorized as Urgent, Critical and Moderate, and their initiation deadlines are June 2024, June 2025 and June 2027, respectively. The progress of these action items has been closely monitored, and it has been observed that some of them are advancing while others are waiting to begin. Out of the 58 action items, 28 are currently making progress, which is a positive sign that the strategic planning initiated by the Centralina EDD Board in late 2021 is contributing to the success of the initiative.

Highlights & Success Stories October – December 2023
Regional Engagement
  • Four targeted virtual job fairs were organized for local government, education, manufacturing, flexible schedule/remote employment. Goal 1 – 2.2
  • Centralina EDD presented childcare research to statewide EDD coordinators in preparation for the February event. Goal 1 – 3.1
  • Rowan County Manufacturers Network collaborated with local manufacturers, Centralina and Commute with Enterprise program to explore solutions for workforce mobility to employment centers. Goal 2 – 1.1
  • CONNECT Beyond is forming a task force of stakeholders to examine connected and autonomous vehicles and their technology. Goal 2 – 1.3
  • Centralina received a Regional Infrastructure Accelerator grant from the US DOT for CONNECT Beyond implementation, including building an Integrated Mobility Center and building out project service lines for finance innovation, pipeline project facilitation and transit-orientated development. Goal 2 – 3.2
  • Centralina Community Economic Development staff developed a resource addressing stormwater management specifically for local government pre-development meetings. Goal 2 – 3.4
  • Centralina was referenced for Affordable Housing best practice initiatives by the National Association of Development Organizations. Goal 2 – 4.1
  • Exploring supply chain council with Charlotte Regional Business Alliance through NC Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Goal 3 – 2.1
Grant Support
  • UNC Charlotte was awarded an EDA Tech Hub Strategy Development Grant and the Centralina EDD team participated in the application process. Goal 3 – 4.1
  • Provided a letter of support for South Piedmont Community College to create a career center focused on advanced manufacturing training and employment. Goal 1 – 2.4
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